Another day…another mistake!

Posted: December 22, 2013 in Cancer, Mistakes
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Stereotypically, and perhaps truthfully, stage four-ers know how to appreciate the gift of each day.  Yes, I am blessed to see another sunrise, savor the beauty of the world I live in, treasure special times with loved ones, and fantasize about this Hallmark World I am describing.  While I am able to eek out these moments when I am not emptying the dishwasher, working on the checkbook, or getting up in the dark to trek to chemo, what is closer to the truth is…

The gift of each day is another chance to make another mistake! Screw up!  Goof up but good! Make a mess out of something or other!

Here are a few of the recent ones that are “been there, done that” which should be enough to prevent future stupidness.  But you see, I wouldn’t mind the stupidness again if a promised future comes with it.

1.  Trying to melt frozen hummingbird feeders in the oven at the lowest temperature possible…and still getting plastic bottle meltdowns.

2.  Forgetting that the property tax was due…and not having the funds, so deferring payment on the credit card with its commensurate high interest…and forgetting I have a home equity line of credit with a livable rate.  Forget-squared!

3.  Buying ruffle fabric and expecting to sew it with ease.  Ha!  Those slippery frilly slices of fabric wiggle this way and that as I stitch, and I pull out the threads, and restitch.  Repeat that last line.

4.  On a fabric mode, buying a kit of small little hexagons that need to be hand stitched around a pieces  of cardboard templates (later removed).  Did I mention there are a thousand hexagons?  Sounds like a Goodwill donation.

5.  Speaking of Goodwill, donating items that, doggone it, I find I need desperately the next week.

Not mistakes to shake the earth, turn my world upside down, or alter the course of history.  Most make me laugh, all offer a lesson in learning, and each is a celebration of life that offers two sides to every coin.

I wonder what mistake tomorrow holds?

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